PO Box 755
Franconia, NH 03580

Easter Week Events

02aprAll Day09Easter Week EventsFranconia Community Church of CHrist

Event Details

All welcome!

Palm Sunday Service @ 10:30 at Franconia Community Church of Christ led by Robin Lubguban followed by luncheon and egg-stuffing for Easter egg

Good Neighbor Food Pantry @ 11:00 FCCC

Wednesday Supper Take-Out @ 5:00 FCCC BBQ Chicken with Hawaiian Macaroni Salad

Good Friday Ecumenical Service @ 6:30 p.m. – Littleton United Congregational Church

Easter Sunrise Ecumenical Service @ 6:00 a.m -The Inn at Sunset Hill

Easter Service @10:30 at FCCC

Easter Egg Hunt @ noon on the FCCC lawn.


April 2, 2023 - April 9, 2023 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)

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